so now he knows. he probably won't feel comfortable reading some of the stuff i write/wrote/have written over the years. i don't know if i'll change my writing style, being more conscious of a particular reader. but i hope things will work out.
had my CONVOCATION on tuesday, 24th July. A milestone in my life. Never thought i'd feel this happy graduating. I do, but at the same time, i miss school too. and of course, meeting him in school. it'd be 2 more years before he graduates. i hope i'll be there at his convocation when the time comes.
we went back to NJ on impulse. Always wondered if we'd passed each other along the corridors without knowing. So we drove in and took some photos. Heh. How nj has changed. Uniform's a lil different. The canteen area's been extended into a pavilion. The FIELD's GONE. In place of it, would be SYNTHETIC grass. Imagine, all the times we'd trained on the lousy-quality field. now they get special grass!
didn't intend to meet anyone, but mr goh (my econs teacher) recognized me, and we chatted for a bit. I'm pleasantly surprised that he can remember my name even after 3 years. The last time I was back in nj was to collect my A'Level cert. met mr tong too. heh felt bad that i didnt go find benzie dio, but i'm sure i'd see him again soon.
after graduation, this new chapter beckons. working life.